what to wear for newborn photos
interest free newborn photography packages

Interest Free Payment Plans | Enjoy Now Pay Later

Bee Cherished Photography is excited to offer you interest free payment plans with PayRight



Enjoy taking home your photography package within 2 - 4 weeks and pay later.


  • Zero interest payment plan
  • Flexible repayments
  • Quick and easy application
  • Spread the cost over time
  • Shop without your credit card
  • 3, 6 or 12 months available
  • Weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments


How can I purchase Newborn Packages Interest Free?

Maternity and Newborn packages can be purchased interest free with PayRight ... Here's how


  • Choose your package prior, during of after your session
  • Decide the length of time and frequency you'd like to pay
  • All I need is your DOB and you complete the rest at home
  • The entire process only takes 5 minutes
  • PayRight is all paperless I just send you a link
  • Everything can be completed on your phone or computer


It's that easy and receive approval immediately. Once you're approved let me know and I will activate. I can start ordering your photography package right away.

There is a small establishment fee and varies with the length and amount of money requested. The most you'll pay is $59.95 which is included into your repayments.


Visit PayRight for more information https://www.payright.com.au/


connect with us

Brisbane Northside Studio tracy@beecherished.com | 0412 996 891

Images by Bee Cherished Photography